Market size

The market size figure indicates the total size in sales value in a certain market, at a specific time. The target audience to measure the total size for is based on market reports, DNA of the customers (if available). This is calculated on zone-level, based on socio-demographical parameters. The total market size is for all zones for the country in scope of the project.

Typically a basic spending potential per relevant customer is determined. This spending potential can be per inhabitant, household...depending on the relevance of the project. Other factors that might be taken into account to determine the total market are tourism and/or employment.

Next to a basic spending potential per inhabitant/household, it is possible that a correction is applied for other relevant socio-demographical parameters, such as:

  • Wealth index: the wealthier a certain zone, the more/less people tend to spend
  • Installed base (total sales) of your brand
  • Correction for age classes
  • Garden sizes
  • ...

When possible, these corrections are validated by real customer data.


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