Overview screen display Location Performance


Module settings

On the left side of the Locations Performance Module, you can apply settings and various filters. Your settings will determine which framework will appear, which data will be loaded within the framework and for which locations.


General framework settings

  • Load the right framework by selecting the default template*. This way you're sure to see the latest changes made by your consultant (usually happens during after every maintenance). 
  • Save changes to the framework. This functionality is only relevant for super users.
  • Load another framework (if configured) than the default one. (e.g. for another country or (sub-)brand)

It's only possible to configure one default framework - this one will be visible for all users by loading the default template. Super users that are able to configure their own frameworks should contact our support team to copy their frameworks to other users.


Period / simulation selection

Clicking the folder icon allows you to select which data you want to display in the framework: data from a preset baseline period or the (model) data from a previously created simulation.


Primary location 

Clicking the folder icon allows you to choose which location you want to appear as the first location (on top of the list) in your framework.

Remark. It could be that your primary location does not exist when your filter options (see below) are not matching with this location.


Location filters

You can filter the list of locations in your framework by location names, clusters, classification, channel or any other relevant filters to subdivide your network in. The location filters allow you to do relevant benchmarking.

If you want to be able to filter on a relevant location parameter but it is not yet configured, please consult our support team.

Data Framework

Your default framework will consist of several tabs, each displaying a fixed structure of columns with (calculated) KPIs. Select the framework tab that displays the collections of data you want to benchmark. 

Framework tabs

The tab names & content can differ per platform. Each framework tab is aimed at a different purpose for benchmarking.


Handy framework functionalities

The framework contains several functionalities to let you decide how the data appears:

    • Rearrange the columns within the applied framework tab by dragging and dropping the different KPIs to your preferable structure


    • Use the top or bottom arrow to sort the KPI numbers in this column from high to low or low to high for the selection of locations (see location filters)
    • Select the deepdive arrow to see on which underlying data this KPI is based


    • Use the first icon to retrieve the standard location view report (Location View). Simply click on the left icon that appears when you hover with your cursor over the location name.
    • In case custom reports were enabled, click the print icon to start downloading the custom report.


Export the complete framework to excel in case you prefer benchmarking in XLS.

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