Guidelines for scoring the car passage or footfall for a location

Important! This article contains the guidelines for scoring car passage or footfall for all industries but EV.

The relevant passage for a location implies that a location is visible and accessible to the people passing by on car or on foot. Each existing and newly added location will automatically get a default relevant passage estimation, which is based on an algorithm. 

For each location, it is still a good practice to manually validate the default estimation and assess the main roads from which the location is visible & accessible. All manual selected road segments will then determine the total relevant passage for that location.

In this article, we will lay out the ground rules to identify 

1) which road segments are relevant and

2) the different diversion scores (%) that can be taken into account by displaying different examples

General ground rules when site is easy accessible (car passage):

  • Always asses the road segments in the driving direction towards the location
  • Never select 2 subsequent road segments: you want to avoid that the same passers-by are counted double 
  • Cross-roads: include all road segments in the driving directions towards the cross-road at 100% visibility
  • Roundabouts: include the main road segments in the driving direction towards the roundabout at 100% visibility.
  • Highways: include only the road segment in the driving direction towards the location.

Recommended diversion scores for obstructed site access (car passage):

  • Acceptable diversions => 100%
  • Acceptable diversion but not very visibile (e.g. trees) => 50%
  • too far from location (multiple kms) => 0%

General ground rule (footfall)

  • Take only 1 direction per road segment into account. When adjacent to location, this needs to be included as 100%

Make sure to also learn how to update the default estimated passage.

Single lane (one-way traffic)

  • The location is only visible from the road in front of the location. Cars can access the location easily. 
    • Advice: Include the road segment at visibility 100%.

Double lane (two-way street)

Example 1

  • The location is visible from the both driving directions of the roads. Cars can access the location easily from both sides.
    • Advice: Include both road segments at visibility 100%.

Example 2

  • ​The location is visible from both driving directions of the roads. To access the location from the opposite driving direction, you can make an acceptable diversion within 100m to reach the site.
    • Advice: Include both road segments at visibility 100%.

Example 3

  • ​The location is visible from both driving directions of the roads. The location is only accessible from the 2 outer streets. There is no accessibility from the 2 inner streets; you cannot turn within 100m.
    • Advice: Include both outer road segments at visibility 100%. Don't include the inner road segments.

Example 4 (tunnels)

  • ​The road segments with 149k & 122k passages are tunnels. The location is visible & accessible from the above ground road segments (54k & 63k)
    • Advice: Include both above ground road segments at visibility 100%. Don't include the tunnel road segments.

Example 5 

  • ​The location is only a 100% visible from one side; visibility from the other side is limited due to trees. Cars from that other side can turn within 100m to reach the location
    • Advice: Include the opposite side with limited visibility for 50%

Crossroads & roundabouts

Minor crossroad

  • The location is visible from all directions of the roads. Cars from all directions driving towards the location can access the site easily. 
    • Advice: Include all road segments in the driving direction towards the location at 100% visibility.​

Major Crossroad

  • The location is visible from all directions of the roads. Cars from all directions driving towards the location can access the site easily. 
    • Advice: Include all road segments in the driving direction towards the cross-road at 100% visibility. Avoid minor road segments to avoid double counting.


  • The location is located near a roundabout and is accessible from all directions
  • Advice: Include all road segments in the driving direction towards the cross-road at 100% visibility. Avoid minor road segments to avoid double counting.


Highway trunk

  • The location is visible from both directions of the main roads & partly (see yellow arrows) from the highway. 
  • Advice: Include the main road segments in the driving direction towards the location for 100%. For both highway road segments, include only the road segment if there is an exit that can access the site within 100m for 50%


  • The location is visible from both directions of the roads. Cars can access the location only from 1 side.
    •  Advice: Include only the road segment in the driving direction towards the location a 100%. 

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