Upload file & calculate

Take a look at all steps to follow here.

Previous step: Step 2 : Prepare the list of locations

Step 3 : Upload file & calculate

3.1 Upload file

Once the file is ready, click on 'Upload Excel' and choose your prepared file.


After you upload your Excel file in the project, you can follow the progress by clicking on your name and next on 'Jobs'.


It might be possible that the validation of the file fails. You will see this when the job has a red explanation mark next to it. If you want to know how to solve this, please check out this article.

Now the test locations are added on the map:


3.2 Validation of imported locations with low geocoded accuracy

It is possible that some locations appear on the map with an orange exclamation mark . This indicates that those locations have a low geocoder accuracy, meaning that the address you have imported could not have been translated to accurate coordinates. It is adviced to validate the geocoded location of those markers. You can do this by clicking on the marker and selecting the edit icon . This will open the location pop-up. The error message will also be visible there, you can validate the location on the map and if needed press 'Move location' to move to the correct address.

Please keep in mind that this will only happen when you import test locations without the coordinates filled in. If you provide coordinates in the import step, this step is unnecessary.


3.3 Run exercise

In order to calculate the potential of the tested locations, click on the button 'Run exercise' on the top right of the screen.

The calculation will take approximately 1 hour for 100 sites, so around 5 hours for 500 sites.

Once the calculation is finished, you receive a notification via email.


During the batch calculation, all other modules (data management, marketing efforts, location planning) will be blocked for all the users. Everyone will receive a notification saying that user X is running an Optimize, with a progress bar that shows how long the Optimize calculation will take.

All the other calculations that are running (by other users) during the Optimize batch run, are put in a waiting queue and will be picked up again after the Optimize run is ready. Therefore it is important to do Optimize calculations at the end of a working day or after alignment with the other users. 

When the calculation fails for 1 location in the list, the batch will continue with all the other locations.

Go to Step 4. Validate your results

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