Prepare the list of locations

For an overview of all steps to follow when using the optimise module, click here.

Previous step: Step 1: Create a project

Step 2 : Prepare the list of locations

The following information needs to be provided for each of the locations / lines: 

The columns in bolt are mandatory. All the other columns can be left blank or can be removed. In that case the default value will be considered.


Here you need to give information on the localisation of the charging location:

  • The location name, this will be the name you will see in the results table
  • The name of the brand for which you want to test the locations (in order to know which brand you can choose, the tab "Guidelines" gives a full overview) 
  • Country of the tested location; BE, NL, DE, FR, ES,UK... Use the official two-letter ISO country codes.
  • Either address fields (address, postal code, city) or coordinates (lat, lon) must be provided (see note below).

Additional information on address fields & coordinates

Locations must have or coordinates or either the full address fields or both. You can provide:

  • either coordinates without any address information; the address fields will be found by reversed geocoding.
  • or complete address fields without coordinates; these will be assigned by geocoding the indicated address, in case of low accuracy of the address, you will get notified in the following step 
  • or both coordinates and address fields; the tool will always prioritise coordinates for the geographical positions. 



Here you need to give the general configuration for the charging location. When you leave a cell for a characteristic in the Excel file blank, the default value will be assigned/calculated.

  • Ultrafast charging points (>150 kW)
  • # Fast charging points (49 - 150 kW)
  • # Slow charging points (<50kW): As our model does not predict consumption for Stay & Charge, this will have no impact on the prediction. You can delete this column from the table or leave it empty. You can then adapt this procedure to specific cases.
  • Average power of all chargers by type: indicate the average power of all charging points on the location by power category (fast, ultrafast).
  • Maximum power among all chargers by type: indicate the maximum power of all charging points by power category (fast, ultrafast)
  • Price per kWh (ultra) fast charging: indicate the price per kWh for the location


If you want to assess the optimal configuration for a site, it is possible to test multiple combinations of charging points. Each tested combination should be a separate line (linked to the same location name).

The number of lines to be processed per file is limited to 500.



Here you can give extra information on each of the segments "Charge & Go" &"Visit & Charge". When you leave a cell for a characteristic in the Excel file blank, the default value will be assigned/calculated. It is also possible to remove these columns from the table.

  • State: Enter here "Open" for "Charge&go" & "Visit&charge" (They are "Open" by default). 

This is an example of how the file can be filled out:

The file is now ready!

Once you have completed the file, you are ready to go to the next step.

Go to step 3: Upload file & calculate.

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